Dry Your Own Elderberries

Why You Should Dry Your Own Elderberries

If you’re looking for a way to use those extra elderberries, why try drying them? Drying your elderberries is easy and can be done with just a few supplies. Plus, there are many benefits to drying your elderberries.

For one, you know precisely what has gone into them. Store-bought dried elderberries may contain added sugars or preservatives. When you dry your own elderberries, you can control what goes into them. 

What are elderberries?

Woman holding elderberries

Elderberries are tart, dark purple fruit that grows on elderberry bushes. The berries are about the size of a blueberry and have thin skin. Elderberries are usually harvested in late summer or early fall.

You can buy elderberries fresh, frozen, or dried. Dried elderberries will last up to a year if stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. One pound of dried elderberries will yield about 2 cups of berries.

Why dry elderberries?

Drying elderberries is a great way to preserve them for later use. Here are some reasons why you should dry your elderberries:

  1. Drying elderberries concentrates their flavor, making them perfect for adding to baked goods or cooked dishes.
  2. Dried elderberries are more accessible to store than fresh berries, so that you can keep them on hand for extended periods.
  3. Elderberries have a high natural sugar content, so drying them helps to prevent mold and spoilage. 

The benefits of drying your own elderberries

Drying your own elderberries is easy and has many benefits. For one, it allows you to control the quality of the berries. Store-bought elderberries can be of poor quality, which means they may have only some of the nutrients that fresh berries have.

Another benefit of drying your elderberries is that you can control how sweet or sour they are. By drying them yourself, you can ensure they are as sweet or sour as you like them. It is excellent for people who have trouble digesting fresh elderberries.

Lastly, drying your elderberries gives you a long-lasting supply of this healthy fruit.

How to dry elderberries?

Elderberries are a fruit that can be used in many ways, dried included. Drying elderberries is a process that is simple and does not take long. Here are the steps on how to dry elderberries.


To start, elderberries should be rinsed with clean water to get rid of any dirt or debris on them. 

Step 2

Next, a food dehydrator should be set up with trays inside of it. The elderberries should then be placed on the trays, ensuring they are not touching each other so they can evenly dry out. 

Step 3 

The dehydrator should be turned to around 115 degrees Fahrenheit and left until the elderberries are entirely dried out; this process usually takes 12-24 hours. 

Step 4

Once they are done, they can either be stored in an airtight container or bagged up for later use. 

Recipes with dried elderberries

Recipe with your own dried elderberries

Elderberries are a type of fruit that can be dried and used in various recipes. Here are some recipes that use dried elderberries:

  1. Elderberry Crumble: This recipe is perfect for a winter dessert. The elderberries add a tart flavor to the crumble topping.
  2. Elderberry Syrup: This syrup is great on pancakes or waffles. It can also be used to flavor cocktails or mocktails.
  3. Elderberry Salad: This salad is a unique way to use dried elderberries. The berries add sweetness and color to the salad. 

Is it economical to dry your own elderberries?

Drying your own elderberries is easy, economical, and provides many benefits. You can use them in various ways, which will last a long time. So get out there and start picking elderberries!

Dried elderberries how to use?

Dried elderberries are a great way to add flavor and nutrition to your food. Here are some tips on how to use them:

  1. Add them to soups and stews for a boost of flavor.
  2. Make tea with dried elderberries, water, and honey for a soothing drink.
  3. Use them in baking recipes for pies, cakes, or cookies.
  4. Mix dried elderberries with other fruits and nuts for a healthy snack.
  5. Add them to yogurt or oatmeal for a delicious breakfast or snack.
  6. Make a simple syrup with water, sugar, and dried elderberries for cocktails or mocktails. 

How do I dry elderberries quickly?

To dry elderberries:

  1. Start by spreading them out on a clean towel.
  2. Gently pat the berries dry with another towel to remove any excess moisture.
  3. Spread the berries on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven set to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Bake the berries for 1-2 hours or until they are dried and leathery.
  6. Remove the dried elderberries from the oven and allow them to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container.

How do you store dried elderberries?

Dried elderberries can be stored in several ways. One way is to store them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Another way is to store them in the freezer.

If you are going to keep them in the freezer, make sure to put them in a freezer bag and remove as much air as possible before sealing the bag. 

How long are dried elderberries good for?

Dried elderberries can last for several years if they are correctly stored. However, it is essential to note that the quality of the berries will decrease over time.

So, if you want to enjoy the full benefits of elderberries, it is best to use them within a year or two of storage. After that, they can still be used but may be less potent.

How long can you keep dried elderberries?

Dried elderberries have a shelf life of about two years if stored properly. Keep them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. If you live in a hot climate, keeping them in the fridge or freezer is best.

If you want to extend the shelf life of your dried elderberries, you can vacuum seal them. It will keep them fresh for up to 5 years.

How long does it take to boil dried elderberries?

You can boil the berries for about 5 minutes for a more diluted tea. If you want a stronger tea, boil the berries for 10-15 minutes.

Either way, strain the tea before drinking it, as boiling elderberries can release harmful compounds that can cause stomach upset if ingested. Enjoy your healthy cup of elderberry tea!

How to dehydrate elderberries?


Dehydrating elderberries is a simple process that can be done in a dehydrator or oven. The key to successful dehydration is to start with ripe, plump berries and to dry them slowly at a low temperature. Here are some tips for dehydrating elderberries:

  1. Start with ripe, plump berries. If the berries are not ripe, they will not dehydrate well and may spoil.
  2. Spread the berries in a single layer on a dehydrator tray or baking sheet.
  3. Set the dehydrator or oven to a low temperature (around 95-115 degrees F). If the temperature is too high, the berries will cook instead of drying.
  4. Dry the berries until they are shriveled, leathery, and pliable.

How long does it take to dehydrate elderberries?

The recommended time for dehydrating elderberries is 8-10 hours. It will allow the berries to retain their nutritional value while ensuring they are completely dried.

If you are looking for a quicker drying time, you can dehydrate them for 6-8 hours, which may result in some of the nutrients being lost.

How many cups are in a pound of dried elderberries?

A pound of dried elderberries is equal to approximately 2 1/2 cups. When measuring by weight, a pound of elderberries is usually between 90 and 110 grams. One cup of elderberries is equivalent to about 40 grams. 

How many cups is 1 lb of dried elderberries?

One pound of dried elderberries is equivalent to about 2-3 cups. Elderberries can be used in pies, cakes, jams, and more.

How many ounces of dried elderberries are in a cup?

One cup of dried elderberries contains approximately 8 ounces.

How to dehydrate elderberries in the oven?

Dehydrating elderberries is a great way to preserve them for later use. Here’s how to do it in the oven:

  1. Preheat the oven to its lowest setting, around 140-150 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Spread the elderberries on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven for 6-8 hours until the berries are dried and shriveled.
  4. Remove from the oven and let cool completely before storing in an airtight container.
  5. Enjoy your dehydrated elderberries as is, or use them in recipes calling for dried fruit! 

How to dry elderberries 260?

Here’s how to dry elderberries:

  1. Start by picking fresh elderberries from the plant. Make sure to wear gloves, as the berries can stain your hands.
  2. Spread the berries on a clean surface and allow them to air dry for 24 hours.
  3. After 24 hours, place the berries in a food dehydrator and set it to the lowest setting. Dry for 12-24 hours or until completely dried out.
  4. Store the dried elderberries in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. They will last for several months this way.

Drying elderberries is a great way to preserve them for later use.

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